As per the preliminary reports, BSF has recovered 5 Kgs Heroin worth 25 Crores in International market from the Suchetgarh border in Jammu.
It is an established fact that heroin is being smuggled in huge quantities from across the border and whole of Jammu&Kashmir and Punjab is badly engulfed in the menace of drugs. The seizure is considered as a huge dent to the menace of drugs in Jammu and Kashmir.

Stepping up its vigil on International Boundary (IB), BSF achieved a major success today when it recovered about 5 kgs of Heroin on Jammu International Boundary. On dated 20 June 2019, on a specific information of BSF I-Nagar and further joined by DRI Jammu, troops of 36 Bn BSF carried out special search operation  ahead of border fence on International Boundary of in the area of BOP Suchetgarh. BSF party led by Sh Sanjay Guleria, Second in Command, found a plastic can in a branch of Phalku Nalla. During search of can it was found to be filled / packed with around  5 kgs of  drugs. The place of recovery was approx. 100 mtr ahead of fence inside Indian territory. Area on Pak side of international boundary  is undulated with small nallas and wild growth  which might have provided cover to smugglers to conceal the contraband. This is the first instance of attempt of smuggling on the Jammu IB seized by BSF .  
 Last year in the month of Dec 2018, BSF jointly with DRI Jammu had recovered 3 KGs of Heroin on specific information of BSF Sunderbani from area of IB manned by Army. BSF I-Nagar has been working on likely drugs smuggling for some time. It is suspected that this consignment was to be taken to Punjab through local Indian smugglers working for Pak smuggling group run by notorious Pak smuggler Chaudhary Akram. BSF in tandem with other agencies is developing input to identify and nail down the local smugglers and break the network. Smugglers are adopting conceal and clear method which is seen in last two cases.
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