 A high-level meeting of all the concerned departments was today convened by Advisor to Governor Khurshid Ahmad Ganai to devise a better strategy for the nutrition of children under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and Mid Day Meals (MDM) scheme.
The meeting was attended by Principal Secretary Social Welfare, Rohit Kansal, Commissioner Secretary School Education, Sarita Chauhan, Secretary Rural Development Sheetal Nanda, Director School Education Kashmir, Mohammad YounisMalik, Director School Education Jammu, Anuradha Gupta besides other officers of these departments.

It was given in the meeting that Panchayat level committees comprising Panchayat representatives, teachers and parents would arrange the nutritional items to the children. It was discussed that the the process would be highly decentralised so that the arrangements could be made locally as per the specific needs of respective areas.

The meeting also decided that bank accounts at Panchayat level would be opened with the approval of Finance department to directly transfer funds to them. This would ensure prompt and smooth supply of these items to the schools for distribution among the children.

Ganai stressed upon the officials that children should be the main beneficiary of these schemes. He advised them to devise strategy taking into consideration the welfare of the end beneficiaries. The participating officials were also instructed to complete the exercise in a time-bound manner.
TP News

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