
Arabic nature is cold and wet. A hallmark called Patkheliya is made from the leaves of Arbi. Arabic tuber (fruit) is made of tender leaves and leaves. Arbi is a summer season crop. Arbi leaves are rich in vitamin A, which is very healthy for the eyes. This strengthens the eyesight as well as strengthens the eye muscles.

Heart to control cholesterol for eyes

Beneficial for health in anemia in high blood pressure

Helpful in digestive system Beneficial in pregnancy. • Helpful in weight control, you must have eaten a lot of Arabic leaf dumplings and vegetables. Those who do not eat, knowing about the nutritious elements present in it, they will also start eating it. Arbi leaf acts like a medicine. Vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potassium and anti-oxidants etc. are present in abundance in it, due to which it proves to be very beneficial.

It also removes the sexual problems of men. If a man is suffering from impotence, then he should definitely consume the vegetable of Arabic leaves. Along with increasing sexual power, it is also a semen enhancer. Its leaves make the body strong. To remove impotence, eat its boiled leaves with salt, it will be beneficial. Courtesy Dr. Archita Mahajan Train Yoga Teacher Dietitian Nutrition and Child Care and Homeopathic Pharmacist

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