
The Government Wednesday ordered the devolution of electrification, system strengthening, loss reductions works in Power Development Department (PDD) to the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).

According to the order issued by PDD, the Government has directed the devolution in exercise of powers conferred under sub-section 4 of section 12 of the Panchayati Raj Act, 1989 (amended up to October 2018).

The order says that pachayats shall identify left out houses, if any/new constructions for electrification, which shall also include public installations like Schools, Panchayats, Hospitals, Religious places etc., and report the same to the concerned Sub Divisional Officer of JKPDD for electrification.

Under vision “24×7 quality power” for all, JKPDD has taken up metering of unmetered consumers in the State, which includes consumers in rural areas as well. The Panchayats shall make the consumers aware about judicious use of electricity through metering and cooperate in installing meters in unmetered rural areas so as to achieve 100% metering in the State, the order states.

With a view to reduce time of interruption of power supply to consumers in rural areas due to transformer damage, line faults, damage to lines due to rain, snow, wind storm or floods and other such reasons, the Panchayats shall report the matter to concerned SDO promptly so that restoration is carried out on fast track basis.

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