
Star Indian sprinter Hima Das clinched her fourth gold ofthe fortnight as she won the 200m race with a creditable time in the TaborAthletics Meet in Czech Republic on Wednesday.

Hima won in 23.25 seconds though the race had a mediocrefield with most of the competitors representing clubs of Czech Republic.Nonetheless, she is inching closer to her personal best of 23.10, Hima’scompatriot V K Vismaya was second with a season best 23.43.

This was 19-year-old Hima’s fourth gold since July 2 whenshe ran her first competitive race in Europe. She has been keeping on improvingsince her first race. In her first competitive 200m race of the year, the oldAssam runner had clocked 23.65 seconds on her way to gold at the PoznanAthletics Grand Prix in Poland on July 2. After that, she won her second 200mgold at the Kutno Athletics Meet, also in Poland, on July 7 with a time of23.97 seconds.

On July 13, she won her third 200m gold at the KladnoAthletics Meet in Czech Republic with a time of 23.43.Hima’s pet event is 400mand she is yet to qualify for the World Championships in both the quartermileevent and the 200m.

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