The JCCI President Sh. Rakesh Gupta recently visited “Great India Travel Bazar 2019 Exhibition” from 28-30 April 2019 wherein 11600 pre-scheduled B2B meetings were held but to his utter surprise the J&K Tourism Department was missing at the biggest Travel and Trade Show of South Asian Sub-Continent. The President JCCI in an urgent Communication to the Hon’ble Governor has demanded a high level enquiry for non-participation by the State Tourism Department and also demanded stringent exemplary action against the Officers responsible for the same who are hell-bent on destroying the economy of the State by not promoting Tourism Sector which not only involves Hoteliers, Transporters, Artisans, Traders but also lakhs of people dependent on these sectors. A Copy of the Communication was also sent to Sh. Rajeev Gouba, Union Home Secretary for inf. & n/a. The Communication reads as under :-
The undersigned recently visited “Great India Travel Bazar 2019 Exhibition” at Jaipur to have a first hand experience of how the different States across the Country and the corporates in Travel Industry are promoting Tourism and getting Business.
It may not be out of place to mention that over the years GITB has evolved as one of the biggest Travel and Trade Shows in South Asian Sub-Continent and this time over 300 foreign buyers participated from 60 Countries. There were also more than 300 stalls of Indian and Foreign Companies besides different Indian States having their dedicated Stalls.
The undersigned was shocked and felt embarrassed to note that the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Department did not even care to participate in such a big event discrediting the tall claims of the State Administration of promoting Tourism which is the backbone of the economy of the State.
The State like Rajasthan who were the host of this event received bulk order worth Rs. 5.2 crores, only for one attraction i.e “Palace on Wheels” which fully explains the importance of this event.
The JCCI lodges its strongest protest against Tourism Department of J&K and requests your goodselves to order a high level enquiry for their non-participation and take stringent and exemplary action against the officers of the Tourism Department responsible for the same.
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