
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in itswritten reply on Tuesday informed Lok Sabha that there are nearly 84,000 postscurrently vacant in the country's paramilitary forces." The totalsanctioned strength of CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces) is 9,99,795. Onaverage, 10% of vacancies in different grades arise every year and there existsa well-established procedure to fill these vacancies. Currently, there are 84,037vacancies," the MHA said.

The force wise break up of sanctionedstrength and vacancies existing in each of the forces is as under:

CRPF: Sanction strength - 3,24,810; Vacancies- 22,980

BSF: Sanction strength - 2,63,905;Vacancies - 21,465

CISF: Sanction strength - 1,56,013;Vacancies - 10,415

SSB: Sanction strength - 99,221; Vacancies- 18,102

ITBP: Sanction strength - 89,438; Vacancies- 6643

Assam Rifles: Sanction strength - 66,408;Vacancies - 4432

The Center has said that it has takenexpeditious steps to fill up the vacancies in CAPFs, including the postscreated. Vacancies in CAPFs and Assam Rifles arise due to retirement,resignation, death, new raisings of new posts. The vacancies are filled byvarious modes like recruitment, promotion and by deputation as per the extentprovisions of Recruitment Rules.




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