Tues, 18 March 25


The Kashmir issue is likely to figure prominently in talksbetween Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump on Monday onthe sidelines of the G7 Summit here, days after Trump said he would discuss theissue with "friend" Modi.

Trump, who had telephonic conversations with both PM Modiand Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan last week on the Kashmir issue, said hewould be meeting the Indian leader over the weekend at the G7, and he would dohis best to mediate.

Addressing reporters in the White House on August 21,President Trump, said: "Kashmir is a very complicated place. You have theHindus, and you have the Muslims, and I wouldn't say they get along so great.And that's what you have right now...

"And frankly it's a very explosive situation. I spoketo Prime Minister Khan, and yesterday I spoke to Prime Minister Modi; and theyare both friends of mine, and they are great people... And they love theircountries, and they are in a very tough situation.

"Kashmir is a very tough situation, and this has beengoing on for decades, and decades; shooting, and I don't mean shooting likeshooting a rifle, but major shooting of howitzers, of heavy arms, and this hasbeen going on for a long, long period of time.

But I get along really well with both of them, As you knowPrime Minister Khan was here just recently. And I'm going to meet PrimeMinister Modi, I will be with PM Modi over the weekend, in France.

"And I think we're helping the situation, but there'stremendous problems between the two countries. And I will do the best I can tomediate or do something," he said.

The US has reaffirmed that there was no change in itsKashmir policy, that it was a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.

TP News

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