

The Pakistan government has launched a crackdown on the saleof CDs of Indian movies after New Delhi revoked the special status to Jammu andKashmir, according to a media report on Friday. The crackdown is the latest inseries of measures announced by Pakistan in reaction to revocation of specialstatus of Kashmir by India.  It alsocomes after Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) banned theairing of advertisements featuring Indian artists and India-made products. "Wehave banned Indian advertisements and launched a crackdown on CD shops toconfiscate Indian movies," Dawn newspaper quoted Firdous Ashiq Awan, theSpecial Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information, as saying.


She said the Interior Ministry had already started acrackdown on Indian movies in the federal capital and it would be expanded toother parts of the country soon in collaboration with the provincialgovernments. "Today the interior ministry raided some compact disc shopsin Islamabad and confiscated Indian movies."Pemra on Wednesday circulateda letter dated Aug 14 on Wednesday announcing the ban.

Pemra said that it already withdrew the permission forairing Indian channels and content on the directions of the Pakistan SupremeCourt in October last year."However, it has been observed thatadvertisements of various products of multinationals which are either producedin India or carrying Indian characters/talent [are] being aired on electronicmedia," according to the Pemra letter. It said that currently ads ofproducts like Dettol soap, Surf Excel powder, Pantene shampoo, Head &Shoulders shampoo, Lifebuoy shampoo, Fogg body spray, Sunsilk shampoo, Knorrnoodles, Fair & Lovely face wash, and Safeguard soap were being banned.

India has categorically told the international communitythat its decision on Jammu and Kashmir is an internal matter and has also askedPakistan to accept it.

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