
NEW DELHI: Twitter witnessed the presence of RSS office-bearers, including its chief Mohan Bhagwat as the leaders made theirdebut on the social media platform. However, according to what sources havesaid, the leaders are unlikely to use the microblogging website a medium toengage with the public.

Meanwhile, the RSS chief has only followed the officialTwitter handle of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Besides Bhagwat, sixothers, including Suresh "Bhaiyyaji" Joshi, the Sangh's generalsecretary, its three joint general secretaries Suresh Soni, Krishna Gopal, VBhagaiah, Sangh's publicity head Arun Kumar and another senior functionaryAnirudh Deshpandae have also joined Twitter.

Recently, Twitter verified the account of another jointgeneral secretary of the Sangh, Dattatreya Hosabale.

Hosabale has been on Twitter for quite some time. "Theaccounts have been created to stop the spread of misinformation by parodyaccounts of the Sangh's office bearers. But they are unlikely to use it,"sources in the RSS said.One of the functionaries, whose account was createdrecently said Twitter is not the platform where Sangh would like to engage in adialogue with the public.

"Our 'pracharaks' (full-time workers) always stay intouch with the public," the functionary said.Another reason for not usingTwitter is because, at times, tweeting leads to a controversy which the Sanghwants to avoid. Bhagwat's verified Twitter handle is @DrMohanBhagwat. It hasfollowed only eight accounts including the official account of the Sangh andseven of its top official bearers.Barring Hosabale, no one has tweeted so far.They have been following each other and Sangh's official account.The officialhandle of the RSS, which has over 1.3 million followers, has till now been theorganisation's platform for releasing statements and updates.


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