Udhampur Parliamentary constituency is composed of six districts i.e. Kathua, Udhampur, Reasi, Kistwar, Ramban and Doda. There are 16,85,779 registered voters including 8,76,319 men and 7,89,105 woman, 20312 service voters and 43 transgenders. A total of 17 assembly constituencies make up Udhampur parliamentary constituency. On one hand Doda, Kistwar and Ramban have muslim majority population with district Doda having 53.82% Muslim population, district Kistwar having 57.75% Muslim population and 70.68% Muslim population where Congress is expected to do well, On the other hand, Udhampur has 88.12 percent Hindu population and Kathua 87.61 percent where BJP got majority of votes during the Lok sabha elections of 2014.
Jitender Singh of BJP had defeated Congress strongman Ghulam Nabi Azad in 2014 with a slander margin of around 61000 is banking on his development report card, there is backlash from various section due to failed promises such as removal of article 35-A and Artcle 370. Vikramaditya singh, who is grandson of Maharaja Hari singh has got support of NC and PDP who didn't field any candidates in the elections, According to the analysts if the votebank of NC and PDP goes in favour of Vikramaditya Singh, he will have a good chance of winning the elections.
The Rajput Factor and War of Brothers
This election is unique in many ways as both the main candidates belong to Rajput community which holds a major sway in Udhampur constituency, while most of the Rajputs voted in favour of Dr Jitender Singh in the last Lok sabha elections, Vikramaditya singh is expected to cut into Rajput vote share due to family lineage.
Another unique point in this election is the war of war of brothers, on one hand Dr Jitender Singhs brother Devinder Rana is canvassing and supporting Congress candidate Vikramaditya singh, his own brother Ajatshatru has blatantly supported Jitender Singh and went to the extent of saying that Congress threw the Maharajas out of State.
Political Analysts in this constituency point out that Jitender singh has been successful to some extent in polarising the votes against Kashmir's Hegemony which may go in his favour in these elections.
Lal Singh and Harsh Dev Factor
Two more rajputs are in fray for these elections, Ch Lal Singh of Dogra Swabhiman Sabha and Harsh Dev Singh of Panthers Party, though Ch Lal Singh has been elected as Member Parliament twice from this constituency and has a dedicated votebank which may play a spoilsport for Dr Jitender Singh as they will only divide the Hindu votes in the region, however The Publish spoke to many voters of the constituency wh said the election is mainly between pro and anti Modi, so it is possible that Lal Singh and Harsh Dev may not play such a big role in these elections but it still remains to be seen if they can play a spoilsport for Dr Jitender Singh.