
PMModi today addressed a huge rally in district of J&K, During his speech PMModi attacked all the major opposition parties including NC, Congress and PDP.While quoting Bhim Rao Amdedkar on his birthday, Modi exhorted upon the massesto vote against the dynastic politics as it is dangerous for democracy. Hecautioned people not to vote in favour of parties which two Prime Ministers inthe same nation which was a reference to recent statement of former ChiefMinister Omar Abdullah. In a veiled attack on Congress Modi said that Congressis favouring withdrawal of armed forces and AFSPA from Kashmir which isdangerous for the people of J&K and asked whether Congress is with India orPakistan. He said that today’s Congress is different from the Congress beforeIndependence and ‘Nyay’( Justice) scheme of Congress is also an eye wash.

Duringhis speech he also listed various social and development works undertaken bythe previous BJP led government at centre such as Ayushman Bharat, ShahpurKandi Dam, construction of Roads, reservation for people on IB and Swach BharatAbhiyan etc. and urged people to vote for BJP again during this election.

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