In a major win for India, the Neutral Expert appointed by the World Bank regarding the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) has upheld India's stand against Pakistan. The neutral expert has proclaimed its sole authority to address any dispute arising between two parties in the treaty —- India and Pakistan.
Welcoming the Neutral Expert's decision, the Ministry of External Affairs released a statement and said, "India welcomes the decision given by the Neutral Expert under Paragraph 7 of Annexure F to the Indus Waters Treaty, 1960. The decision upholds and vindicates India’s stand that all seven (07) questions that were referred to the Neutral Expert, in relation to the Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects, are differences falling within his competence under the Treaty."
What led to dispute?
The controversy stems from a World Bank step which appointed a neutral expert and a chair of the Court of Arbitration to resolve the differences over the Kishenganga and Ratle Hydro Electric Projects in Jammu and Kashmir in 2023.
India refused to entertain two simultaneous methods to address the issue and underscored the norms stipulated in the treaty, which was signed in 1960. According to the treaty, in case of any dispute, the World Bank could appoint a neutral expert.

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