


In response to recent publicity of notices by some members, Speaker, Legislative Assembly, Abdul Rahim Rather today said that as per rules and conventions of house, a notice shall not be given publicity by any member or other person until it has been admitted by the speaker. The Speaker, while talking on the issue said, “Rule 368 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, provides that notice shall not be given publicity by any member or other person until it has been admitted by the Speaker and circulated to members. Similarly, a notice of a question shall not be given any publicity until the day on which the question is answered in the House”.The Speaker, further said , “Rule 334-A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha also provides that notice shall not be given publicity by any member or other person until it has been admitted by the Speaker and circulated to members. Also a notice of a question shall not be given any publicity until the day on which the question is answered in the House”.

While commenting on parliamentary procedure and practice by renowned authorities on the subject, the Speaker said, “As per the commentary on practice and procedure of Parliament by Shri M.N. Kaul and Shri S.L. Shakdher who are renowned authorities on the subject, it is provided that according to the parliamentary practice, usage and convention it is improper to give for any reason premature publicity in the Press to notices of questions, adjournment motions, resolutions, answers to questions and other similar matters connected with the business of the House. If this takes place, the Speaker may express his displeasure against the person responsible for it”.

Referring to comments made by PDP Leader Ms. Mehbooba Mufti, Mr. Rather said “I am sorry to say that she had not been properly advised and her statement is against the Rules position”.

The Speaker also highlighted some instances of such improprieties and breaches of conventions as:

“Publication of questions before they are admitted by the Speaker and before their answers are given in the House or laid on the Table. Publication of answers to questions before they are given in the House or laid on the Table. Publication of notices of adjournment motions or resolutions before they are admitted by the Speaker or mentioned in the House”.

Speaker Abdul Rahim Rather further said, “This is first time that the Members have done so and I have conveyed my displeasure. But if they insist on this I shall have to take action against them, as per Rules”.

Regarding Budget Session, the Speaker said that it will start from 3rd March till 25th  March and then there is a break due to holidays and it will again start from 7 April to 11 April.

He also said that before budget session there will be an all party meeting.

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