Due to irregular lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, obesity is increasing rapidly these days. People are very troubled by the problem of obesity because everyone wants to look slim and fit. When obesity is discussed, people first pay attention to the waist and stomach fat and ignore the fat accumulated on the arms. If you are also troubled by arm fat and want to make your arms fit and toned, then you can do some easy exercises. These exercises will not only reduce your arm fat but will also be beneficial for your health. So let's know which exercises will help in reducing your arm fat.
Bicep Curls
To do this exercise, hold dumbbells in both your hands and stand with your hands straight. Now, keeping your elbows close to the body, slowly lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders and then slowly bring them down. Do this 10-15 times with both hands. This exercise helps in strengthening and toning the biceps muscles.
Tricep Dips
To do the tricep dips exercise, you will need a chair. Place both your hands on the edge of the chair, lower your body while straightening your legs, and then lift it. Do this process at least 10-15 times. This exercise helps melt the fat accumulated on your arms.
This exercise is done by lying on the mat. Lying on the stomach on the mat, keep both your hands shoulder-width apart and keep your body weight on the toes and fingers. Now resting on the ground, lift the body and bring it down. This process is called push-up, repeating it at least 15-20 times can reduce your arm fat and also strengthen your arms.
Arm Cross Overs
To do this exercise, stand straight on a mat. Now spread your hands straight to the side, then take your hands near the chest and do it in criss-cross form. Keep doing this exercise with both hands for about 1-1 minute. This will help you a lot in reducing arm fat.
Arm Circles
To do the arm circles exercise, stand with your legs straight and slightly apart. Now spread both your hands straight on the sides. After this, rotate both your arms forward and backwards 40-50 times. This exercise helps in reducing the fat of the arms and making them stronger.
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